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For Sale By Owner and For Rent By Owner properties can be advertised too.

South San Jose, CA Real Estate
Property History for 5160 Giusti Drive

Open Houses, Search Real Estate, Map of Properties

Real Estate > South San Jose > Great Oaks

Address Price / Rent Date(s) Other Info
5160 Giusti Drive IAP : $595,000
CAP : $595,000
FSP : $607,000
Price per sq ft : $293
CTM : 9/08/2004
DP : 9/29/2004
DF : 1/10/2005
Days on Market : 124
1St 2030 SqFt
Multi Unit Residential Sold in South San Jose - Great Oaks

5160 Giusti Drive IAP : $543,210
CAP : $440,000
Price per sq ft : $217
CTM : 6/11/2008 1St 2030 SqFt, Property History

Real Estate listings last updated Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:06 PM

Green Current price or sales price is greater than initial asking price
Red Current price or sales price is less than initial asking price
Blue Current price or sales price is the same as the initial asking price
Black Unknown initial asking price
If initial asking price isn't known, current asking price is used
CTM Came to Market IAP Initial Asking Price
DP Date Pending Sale CAP Current Asking Price
DF Date Sale Final FSP Final Sales Price

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