SouthSanJose.com: The Community Web Site Serving Santa Teresa, Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, Coyote Valley and Evergreen |
Almaden Garden Apartments 947 Branham Lane San Jose, CA 95136 265-4808 |
Almaden Lake Apartments 978 Almaden Lake Drive San Jose, CA 95123 323-8020 |
Almaden Lake Village 1045 Coleman Road San Jose, CA 95123 323-8818 Fax: 323-8807 |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9-6; Sat/Sun: 10-5
Managed By: Legacy Partners |
Archstone Monterey Grove 6100 Monterey Road San Jose, CA 95138 888/766-3625 Fax: 960-7300 EMail: mgr-mry@archstonesmith.com |
Office Hours: Daily 9-6
Managed By: Archstone Communities |
Avalon at Blossom Hill 401 Briar Ridge Drive San Jose, CA 95123 363-3800 Fax: 363-3804 EMail: blossomhill@avalonmail.com |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-7; Sat: 10-5; Sun: 12-5
Managed By: Avalon Communities |
Avalon at Foxchase 1070 Foxchase Drive San Jose, CA 95123 723-0600 Fax: 723-7148 |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-7; Sat: 10-5; Sun: 12-5
Managed By: Avalon Communities |
Avalon Rosewalk 3601 Copperfield Drive San Jose, CA 95136 269-7673 Fax: 269-1085 |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-7; Sat: 10-5; Sun: 12-5
Managed By: Avalon Communities |
Blossom Hill Apartments 5480 Lean Avenue San Jose, CA 95123 226-8800 Fax: 226-1436 |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30-5:30; Sat/Sun: 9-6
Managed By: GR |
Blossom Oaks Apartments 229 Blossom Hill Road San Jose, CA 95123 226-6688 |
Blossom River Apartments 1000 Blossom River Way San Jose, CA 95123 264-2944 |
Bramblewood 5322 Wong Drive San Jose, CA 95123 629-3900 Fax: 629-3988 |
Office Hours: Mon-Sat: 9-6; Sun: Closed |
Eden Palms Apts 5398 Monterey Road San Jose, CA 95111 227-5684 |
Ellmar Oaks 250 Ellmar Oaks Court San Jose, CA 95136 224-6257 |
Foxchase 1 1070 Foxchase Drive San Jose, CA 95123 723-0600 |
Le Mirador Senior Apartments 1191 Coleman Road San Jose, CA 95120 268-9310 |
Monterey Grove Apartments 6100 Monterey Highway San Jose, CA 95138 960-7368 Fax: 960-7300 EMail: 043200@aimco.com |
Office Hours: 9am to 6pm seven days a week
Managed By: AIMCO |
Monterey Manor Apartments 5330 Monterey Highway, #L2 San Jose, CA 95111 227-6015 |
Ohlone Court Apts 5225 Terner Way San Jose, CA 95136 264-5985 |
Orchard Park 5635 Blossom Gardens Circle San Jose, CA 95123 224-6044 |
Palm Valley 150 Palm Valley Boulevard San Jose, CA 95123 877/685-1734 Fax: 229-8255 EMail: leasing@palmvalleyapts.com |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8-7; Sat: 9-6; Sun: 10-5 |
Parkside Glen Apartments 810 Hillsdale Avenue San Jose, CA 95136 264-8291 Fax: 264-8193 |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9-6; Sat: 10-5
Managed By: Related Management Company, LP |
Santa Familia Apartments 4984 Severance Drive San Jose, CA 95136 448-2946 |
Santa Teresa Apartments 6254 Santa Teresa Boulevard San Jose, CA 95119 226-7100 Fax: 226-9739 |
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30-5:30; Sat: 9-6; Sun: Closed
Managed By: GR |
Skyway Terrace 4501 Snell Avenue San Jose, CA 95136 227-2000 |
The Foothills Apartments 6184 Cottle Road San Jose, CA 95123 225-8648 Fax: 225-8699 EMail: foothillssanjose@att.net |
Office Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
The Woods 4300 The Woods Drive San Jose, CA 95136 227-3700 Fax: 224-0399 |
Office Hours: M-Th: 9-6; Fri: 9-5; Sat/Sun: 8-5 |
Thornbridge 5210 Monterey Road San Jose, CA 95111 226-6500 Fax: 226-9057 EMail: leasing@thornbridge-apts.com |
Office Hours: M/T/Th/Fri: 9-6; Wed: 8-8; Sat: 9-5; Sun: 12-5
Managed By: Fairfield Properties, LP |
Villa San Pedro Apartments 282 Danze Drive San Jose, CA 95111 225-1811 |
Vista Park One 3955 Vistapark Drive San Jose, CA 95136 264-6661 |
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